Welcome to Arulmigu Sri Rajakaliamman Glass Temple

The Arulmigu Sri Rajakaliamman Glass Temple is a major Hindu temple in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. It is also one of the state's tourist attraction. The temple was listed in the Malaysian Book of Records as the first and only glass temple in the nation on 12 May 2010.

The primary Hindu glass sanctuary on the planet. This is little sanctuary yet delightfully developed with bits of glass covering all aspects of the sanctuary. It is at a remote place and street is not appropriately laid out. However once u are there, u will comprehend it is worth of the torment. It is a standout amongst the most acclaimed authentic sights in Malaysia. A one of a kind element of the Arulmigu Sri Rajakaliamman Glass Temple is statues of Jesus Christ, Buddha and significantly Mother Theresa is available close by Hindu icons. It connotes resistance for different religions and has awed numerous guests.

The Arulmigu Sri Rajakaliamman Glass Temple is a beautiful temple that is worth once you enter. No pain no gain, so we must put our effort so that we can enjoy the trip and nice view.


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